been waiting for this one since a whole year and a HALF now!
and wen i finally got a chance to see it...was jumping with joy literally! although by the time i ventured out into the theatre to watch it, reviews have already set in tearing the move to shreds. but despite al the negative reviews and well wishers' advices i went ahead. coz..lets face it a TWILIGHT fan is a TW;LIGHT fan no matter what anyone might say...:D
the movie was true to its corresponsing novel-Dampener..maybe one of the reasons for me liking the movie was the utter diasppointment that i gt frm d novel and visual rendition is always much better than a shoddy manuscript [esp if the visual is of one MR.Robert pattinson ] sigh!!! <3

the series continued the earlier two movies saga of vampires and werewolves and well Bella.....in dis part we are introduced to the detailed folk lore of the werewolves and their clan..also u get to witness the reasosn behindthe cullens siblings becoming the 'cold ones'
and den dere was the whole issue of marrying Edward-turning into a vamp thing between the three protagonists...which gave way for few laugh reliefs in the otherwise monotonous without any aim scrawling movie...
one of the things that didnt compell as much as the first part i.e. Twilight
Music wasn't as haunting as i expected! failed to raise goosebumps!
well coordinated actions scenezs [the thril was a notch less than in the frst part]
ROBERT PATTISON wasn't looking drool worthy HOT N SEXY!!!!!

as Jacob brilliantly says in the movie
'lets face it- am a lot HOTTER than u'
this twlight saga is a lot COLDER than its earlier parts
lets hope for a better Breaking dawn!
P.S. i still like it..its TWILIGHT after all :D