That's one thing which have been flitting in the back corners of my mind for quite some time now. But in the course of recent events I didnt feel it deserves dat much importance to be turned into a full fledged blog post!!!
So coming back to the main point [ I still haven't resolved my problem of straying away from the heading of my post tee heee :D]. Manyatimes I have seen people [including myself] being clouded over by their image for a person which in reality might be a complete contrast or a mere shadow of their true selves.
It is like believing that God is always right, having complete faith in someone you appointed as high power who cannot go wrong ..EVER!
But is their a gurantee to it? nNt going against the faith of people in God [ and this post is nt about idol worship either]. I am talking about humans-real people! You might have seen almost all the reality shows housing some Judges who hover above the contestants and the show and give their expert comments and ..contestants actually believe them and take it seriously because for them judges CANNOT go wrong.

Even the TV viweing audience too showcase their faith in these judges who acocrding to them would take a fair decision. And most of the times their feeddback is influenced by these judges alone. Same is the case with Film Critics. Same is the case with court judges and Same is the case with president and prime minister of the country!

Are these people really expert enough to pass on a fair judgemnt? And whtever they say is acceptable by everyone? I mean to say they are humans after all- who are bound to make mistakes!!!! or give in to the earthly temptations of partiality, biasdness and perception? Doesn't the thought makes you think twice before beliebing on the words of these judges?
My point is that try to look beyond the pre conceived image that you might have built of your appointed judge or advice giver or guide! They might give you advice sometimes influenced by their own perceptions and convictions! So you are acatually working according to their 'point of view'and not thinking of the situation from a top angle!

I am not gonna say believe in yourself annd you will see all the right answers at your disposal. That something comes with practice [Again its my point of view, you might differ with it!]. Trying to get in sync with your instincts however is a far better start to this process. Just listen to what your inner conscience says..and try to work according to it. Am sure you wont squirm in your seat like I did recently ;)