writer's block..it is something which we fellow writers/ bloggers must have gone through sometime or the other. But whether it is really a blockage that makes us go blank i mean absolutely blank when we try to put across an idea on paper. Or is it really a convenient way of saying "am a serial procastinator who doesnt want to excercise his/her brains at all?
A recent pep talk (in my mind) with a friend (life changing lesson in his mind) made me wonder about my long lost
Once-a-precious-dream-now-relegated-in-the-store-room of my mind..of my passion writing..
But i have been writing..for my clients, for my friends for my enemies even (read facebook-the best way to knock someone down i tell you).
So i have been writing for everyone and every reason than but me or for myself or for my dream or for my passion.
An internal heart to heart with me later (which i have been a lot these days) i finally admitted the truth to myself..its the thought of pouring myself my innermost thoughts and my thoughts at particular times on paper
that binds me. It is the thought if coming face to face with what i actually think that scares me.
Because believe it or not we all have a certain perception or image about ourselves.but in reality we all know how truly alike or different we are from that "percieved image".
And am thinking am i ready to witness my own thoughts in tangible form out there for everyone to see as well??
Makes me scared..but i guess am ready to take the plunge. After all that is also a part of me only..thats is also me only.