the recent bomb blasts that has rocked the country coupled with some of the biggest natural calamities of the decade has really left a sour taste in the mouths of many who have been trying to savor the sweetness of festivities starting soon.... only this morning on the first day of Navratri i saw the stampede created inside a Mandir in Jodhpur that brought abt the death of many innocent devotees...... yesterday there were 2 more bomb blasts in the south westren regions...and there have many before which i am sure not many will forget soon. Coz we all lost some one to it......if not physically than emotionally.. There have been in fact many who have been livnig under the constant fear of being thwarted by the anti social forces.....
High time we realized the enormity of the situation.. after all there are innocent lives at stakew.. i knw u must have read abt all these thoughts a million times in the papers, internet and many more places....... but it doesnlt chnge a thng howsoever times you have come acrosss it.. The saddest part is the prOblem is still pertaining and aggrevating day by day and with more festivals round the corner there is a hidden chill underneath all those smiling faces.. who think twice now before leaving their houses.. but life goes on as someone said.. i don't disagree with this fact but does it always have to be this way?? Can't taking a precaution at d earliets stage possible is better than learning a lesson over the rising death toll?? Isn't it better to nip d problem in the bud!!
i knw all this can be said and not DONE......bt atleast we can give dis a thought......lend a hand to those who have been brought under this unfortunate turn of events.. who knws agli kis ki baariii?? then these peoplel only will come to help you out. Think from this side and may be you will truly undertsand the meaning of mankind.....Y not beat the terrosim with a true festive spirit and instead of wasting galores of money on decorations and celebrations, bring home a light in the darkened lives of the suffering souls? Trust me on ths one.. once you see a smile playing on their lips it will bring a truly contented dfeeling in your heart.. Perosnal experiencee....
do celebrate EID and DIWALI with the same heart.. dat's d only plea i wnt to make right now.......