shhhh.....d quiet all around u. clutching at your throats, pressing down at u from everywhere, every corner.. dat u feel u r ready to jus choke....bt funnily cant even express it out in open coz of the heady glares u wud be recieiving frm ur 'near and dear ones'! its almost like being alone in the crowd.. which i knw sounds too filmy.. but heyy films too derive inspiration from real life. so its nthng out of d ordinary for someone to feel like dis...
After a while one does gets used to this SILENCE....wherever u go, whatever u r doing.. even in a nosiy coffee parlour or in a crowded office.. u hear d floating slience in d air and u say bravely dis is how it is going to be frm now on.. and accept it.... bt am nt one of dose persons who accept these facts without a fight! i mean sure i knw am figting a losing battle but hey it does gives me at least some ray of hope which is jus hopeless btw....bt for mee it is real and gives me d urge to move on relentleesly untill one dayy i finally give in to d presuure and havng been drained out of every last ounce of feelngs or any emotion.....i don't feel a thing! dat's it i don't feel a thing
And dat;s wen i knw it is over......bt all all dis is too far in the distance dat i can't even make out that small speck of a thing! a long journey i knw or rather a SLIENT journey filled wit lots of pathos and emotional misgivings and momentsa of weaknesses.......wt can i do but follow d path that i myslef helped to built for mee under d illusion that it was leading towards my happiness untill it was too late for me too found out the truth.....
let's see how more of this SILENCE i can take before this NOISE gets on to my nerves and crushes me under it!!
awww ...... thats so nice ..
Nice one Nikki...Ryt silence is very noisy manytyms
Anuj Malhotra
Chk mah blog also
hmm add my blog to ur list then naa wil do d same fr u
hmm thnk yusuf.. fo rliking my content although if one has to go thru this feeling of silence it is no so nice then trust me on dis one
hmmm most of the people do go through such phases,some come out of it easily while some dont and they remain in the darkness forever...hope u come out of it because you cant really enjoy the silence for too long,dont really know anything so cant say more...just hope u get ur happiness...as life continues no matter how many problems comes in the way,it doesnt stop...
gosh! :O at the time i created this blogpost i never thought
"silence could really be noisy for me" LITERALLY!!
ummm thnks for commenting TLK.......but how did u got come across my blog..mind sharing??
and exctly wht do u mean by when you created this Blog post????????
am the original writer for this blog post!
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