Today brought in a whole tumblefull of happiness and surprises for me that almost.. NO SCRATCH THAT.. made up completely for all the depsiar, sadness, loneliness and hurtfull emotions that i went through all these past few months. I mean it was like a belated Christmas present!!
But this time I won't be giving out details of what went through the day as i want to relish it fully myself without sharing it with the rest of the world. Only exception is....well he knows who he is. Anywayz,i alwayz rely on something tangible to preserve or cherish a memory forever. Maybe that is why some people call me "MATERIALISTIC" but my main reason behind this is to imprint a certain memory by linking it to something physical that wiil alwayz remind me of that thing!

But today i don't need anything to make me remember the beautiful happenings of the day as it is imprinted in my heart forever and the best thing is the memory itself is the link that will keep the memory refreshed in my mind forever. Isn't it a great thing? I think it is.
All i can say is i dipped my feet into the alternatively new horizons of feelings and sentiments which overwhelmed me to the core and melted whatever doubts i had within me reagrding trust and companionship plus lifelong friendship. I hope i never have to come out of this pool of alluring feelings. I am ready to take the plunge into it head first! Lolz :D

Thank you for making the day really special one for me. :)