Today was the first Saturday of the month. That means office for me. Felt too tired in the morning..but had to go or i felt like going. Maybe driven by something else [ofcourse not work yaar!:D]. Having said that i would like to add that with the kind of emotional turmoil i went through this week..i feel fully justified in keeping the work and everything else at the back seat against my feelings.
So anywayz, after performing my usual routine checks in the morning at office i called up Abbu after waitng for his call[ another one of my daily activities]. He was sick and by sick i mean really sick. Aleast sound se to aisa hi lag raha tha..
Listening to him like this made me forget my resolve of last night a little bit and i became my usual caring bird for him.
He was at home for the day..Hearing this an idea formed shape in my mind wherein i could take a chance of meetimg him today or go back waiting for him and to clear out all our doubts till the next weekend [which incidentally would mark our complete one month of absence from weekly & by-weekly meetings].

So, i knew already he would say no to the plan. But this time i was firm in my mind. I want to meet him. I had this feeling in me that the fate of our relationship depends on our meeting. It is crucial so i quickly submiited my work report, hopped an auto and went onto one of the most important meetings of my life. Upon reaching there, something happened. The moment i saw him something melted inside me..Was it sad? Was it a happy feeling? Or was it my moment of weakness? I don't know. But the way he turned and started walking in front of me made me feel this way....
The rest of the day droned on with us clearing our differences in bits, making up with each other and ofcourse his sickness. I don't feel up to it to write all those things down [PERSONAL MATTER]. But even though i felt good and was happy to be with him, there were moments of doubts that used to put a shadow across my eyes for a fraction of a second. And that is disturbing for me. I hope this feeling passes away soon.
Time to go arrived soon and after three hours of all this i was set to leave. Suddenly, there it was again that feelng which is unexplanable right now. Mixture of sadness and happiness having its effect on me slowly, rising inside me from bottom to top and finally reaching the climax..I guess he wouldn't even have realized what was going on inside me. That doesn't matter i wasn't there to showcase myself in front of him.

I was there to save something precious to me. Hope what i heard today will come true one day and fill my life with happiness. And this is all what happened today [ on Rose Day!] Happy Rose Day!!
P.S. I didn't got a single rose on Rose Day! Is someone listening out there??
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