Minutes Inside My Head
22:30- The whole day i felt sort of....deluded. I dont understand why. Been feeling kind of detached or something from the rest of the world yet longing fr that very world..i dont knwwww....
22:40- I guess i kind of not feel detached from one single thought which has become a part of my life now! It is more of routine like breathing which i may say so! but just like my breathing becomes shallow and rapid sometimes causing me to take notice of it, this feeling too well surfaces sometimes and hits me with the full blow!
22:45- Enough of these musings, lets just concentrate on something else fr a while. TV for instance.
23:30- A good tp, bt now am back again. Its increasing now bit by bit. Oh God!
23:34- OMG, its starting to resurface again tonight. Am sad again. Oh why cant the life be how i perceived why cant it be the SAME as it was a few months back when i was blisfully happy. Oh god, why do i have to endure this time and these feelings?
23:36-Crying inside sobbing at first
23:40- Its still persistent.Chatting with Kipsi too nt helping a bit. I am slipping into it... plzzz save meeee. Am feeling lonely again.. am lonely.. am lonely.. am lonely,...

23:45- Its starting to sink in now. AM Lonely.......
23:50- Starting to practically HOWL now. My whole body is convulsing with the tremors! I MISS UUUUUuu
23:56- I miss uu baby, miss u so much... i misss u like hellll, u dont even realize how much i miss u, every minute, every second, every milli second, every waking moment, even in my sleep, even while brushing my teeth, even while taking a walk, even while cooking food, even while working, even while travelling, even while talking, even while dancing, even while LIVING... i MISS uuu very much
00:00- I MISSS UUUUUU, I AMMMM MISSSING U LIKE HELLLL, I MISS U SOO MUCH, u dont even realize how much i miss u, every minute every second, every milli second, wevery waking moment, even in my sleep, even while brushing my teeth, even while taking a walk, even while cooking food, even while working, even while travelling, even while talking, even while dancing, even while LIVING... I MISS uuu very much I MISSS UUUUUU :( I MISSSS U :( I MISSS UUU :( :( :( :(

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