I knw I knw...shud have written when I actually FOUND THE NEW PASSION :D but u see got so engrossed that cudn't muster up the energy to write an account for it.....
Moreover, my new job and the writing involved in it keeps me too busy and exhausted to write about so many TOPICS and ideas that keep on flitting through my mind but I fail to record my view points on it due to one or the other reasons [laziness being the prominent one] lolz.
Anyhow since I have finally taken the pain to log in here and actually write in a new post after a long time.. I would just write a brief recap of what exactly's been happening in my life post 10th MARCH 2010 :D :D

New job, new office, new place, new colleagues, new surroundings, new topics, new articles, new BOSS....screeech! HALT! STOP! hehehehe the last point is worth a whole blog post altogether!!! [will get back to it later]:D :D
yeahh contiuning the change in life saga

haan..new wardrobe, new look, new weight [hehehehehe], few dates [belch], new relationships....new perspectives..
New passion [FF], new people dere, new ambience, new games, new outlook, new GOSSIP, new friendships, dynamic clashes, FIREWORKS!...reached PEAK POINT.....

now the downslide..boredom, repetition, unfulfillment...no perspective....same old GOSSIP....downright lame...new realisations...weakening of BONDS, strengthening of BONDS...and above all survival of some relationships. :)

SUMMED UP!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
good job
thnks to u ...after all u r also part of that new chnge in my life [:D]
really how nice of u :) :)
:) :)
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