NOTE: This is just a rough draft,an incomplete version, at an area where there is no option of saving it.Just publishing.But couldn't let an idea pass by..i mean its my way of SCREAMMing...;)
This thing i noticed or have been noticing for quite a while now, to be exact since i saw 'Metro' last year that there are no good places for anyone to screaam! Yes i am right! I mean if u have seen the movie then u must remember that scene where in Irffaan Khan leads a very inconsolable Konkana Sen to the rooftop and let out her frustrations and emotions in a one long deep SCREAMM! Just seeing the scene i could actually feel the calm that followed inside a person after venting out all those clogged up feelings.......But sadly i don't live in Mumbai's skyscrapers.I live in Delhi and if i ventured out on my rooftop for this exercise, half of the neighborhood would be up in arms as to see what's wrong? Probably they would think am committing suicide or something..lolz....
THIS JUST in.I had a really good long screaming session in the weekend itself.I guess it was expected given the frustrations building up inside me due to work pressure, family pressure and various other ups and downs where things are out of my control.It ACTUALLY WORKS. All that frustration just went POOF! vanishes away.This is a fact which everyone would agree upon.But some would agree to another fact that at the end of the day and a rare peaceful night, its another day and the struggle begins once again......until you go through one more screaming session.Happy SCREAMMING everyone, keep your lungs in good shape through this recommended exercise but don;t over do it.I would haaatte you to lose your voice just because of my advice....
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