3rd october 2008
I just grimaced in pain as d opening credits rolled on revealing a very FANTASY prone Dronaa oops Abhishek Bachchan dancing on the streets of London[ was it really London or someother part of UK.....or it was the FILMISTAN's desi version of wht London shud luk like] whtever maybe d case...Anywayz people have given me warning in advance only about this one helluva of a movie, but me being my normal self had to go against wht everyone says..one of my most cherished characteristics.. So i went ahead and even found a guinea pig in my cousin who after coxing gave in to me and willingly sacrificed her precious hours [which were devoted to watching soap operas] for mee and my whims..atta girls,, hatss to u !! [as Rakhi Sawant says famously]
The extent of conviction in the abilities of this young duo read Goldie-Abhishek was soo much dat i even went in for advance bookings!! Unfortunately, not many people thought like mee and dere was hardly anyone there to buy the tickets...Stil i assured myself relax!! people will come to watch d movie... after all it s a huge production with so much hyped attached to it! Not everyone is as punctual as mee..
After an hour or so wen i strolled into the theatre with my cousin i was shocked by the enormity of the movvie hall i mean i have seen a movie hall before but never ever this EMPTY!! Dere were rows and rows for anyone to make out on without even catching eye of the attendant even once! A couple's heaven i guess but a movie lover's plight!.. i was disappointed by the sad response of the people of our country.. can't they think for themselves for once and stop going by the movie reviews!!
So the movie started and seeing a childhood Abhishek Bachchan harassed by his aunt [Navnnet Nshaan ] and cousin Roger[ an indian tv actor, who is btw under controversy for his looks similar to a very famous KHAN , am not referring to Salman dudies!] it reminded me a bit of Harry Potter i dn't knw why maybe the magic part of the movie, or the revelation of Dronna 's bodyguards in disguise.. jus saw d connection anywayzz...maybe u guys wont find it. Coz then u wud have to seee d movie lolz. To cut the story short[ and thank God for dat!] Abhishek belongs to a family of kings who have been serving as d gurdian to earth's most darkly kept secret...... and it is time now for the Bachchan junior to don the dress of his mentors and protect the secret yet again defeating the dark forces with the help of his dedicated team of bodygaurads led by Priyanka..[who is sufferinf frm the DDLJ syndrome of Baoji calling... breaking into Baoji kehte hain...reminds u of televisions's ugly duckiling Jassi's Beeji] see the extent of my tv viewing ...[:D]
Coming back to the movie well it would be much better if not to speak about the acting prowess of our much start studded cast....Jaya Bachchan was a pure waste of talent in a not-so-special-apperance as a meek sacrificng yet Rajputana mother....Priyanka Chopra, d surprise package was actually very convincing as AB baby's bodyguard ..better watch out for some seething angst ur way lady frm d junior Mrs.Bachchan! [:d] K K Menon as the meany jaadugar Riz Rayzada was soo irritating i mean why do dese ultra cool baddies have to act like patients of the chidlrem spastic ward!! Is it necesaary of their clan to pose that way!! God help us!!!
Sadly,all dat money going to waste made me cry in anger and frustration that poeple spend their hard earned money and in my case it is truee, to get entertained for three hours basically to get away from the tensions of daily life.. and what a disaapoitnment one gets after watching dis sad excuse for a movie.. I mean y d hell did he bothered to make ds movie with the real poeple... probbaly ananimated version would have been much better then we wouldn' t have to drone over the actors bad attempt at grandd acting!! At the end of d day...........saying dis movie sucks... would be understatement!! and i mean it.. plzz give me something more to tke my mind of my tensionsss.... Movies are my therapyyy dn't make it the cause of my needing a THERAPY!!
The extent of conviction in the abilities of this young duo read Goldie-Abhishek was soo much dat i even went in for advance bookings!! Unfortunately, not many people thought like mee and dere was hardly anyone there to buy the tickets...Stil i assured myself relax!! people will come to watch d movie... after all it s a huge production with so much hyped attached to it! Not everyone is as punctual as mee..
After an hour or so wen i strolled into the theatre with my cousin i was shocked by the enormity of the movvie hall i mean i have seen a movie hall before but never ever this EMPTY!! Dere were rows and rows for anyone to make out on without even catching eye of the attendant even once! A couple's heaven i guess but a movie lover's plight!.. i was disappointed by the sad response of the people of our country.. can't they think for themselves for once and stop going by the movie reviews!!
So the movie started and seeing a childhood Abhishek Bachchan harassed by his aunt [Navnnet Nshaan ] and cousin Roger[ an indian tv actor, who is btw under controversy for his looks similar to a very famous KHAN , am not referring to Salman dudies!] it reminded me a bit of Harry Potter i dn't knw why maybe the magic part of the movie, or the revelation of Dronna 's bodyguards in disguise.. jus saw d connection anywayzz...maybe u guys wont find it. Coz then u wud have to seee d movie lolz. To cut the story short[ and thank God for dat!] Abhishek belongs to a family of kings who have been serving as d gurdian to earth's most darkly kept secret...... and it is time now for the Bachchan junior to don the dress of his mentors and protect the secret yet again defeating the dark forces with the help of his dedicated team of bodygaurads led by Priyanka..[who is sufferinf frm the DDLJ syndrome of Baoji calling... breaking into Baoji kehte hain...reminds u of televisions's ugly duckiling Jassi's Beeji] see the extent of my tv viewing ...[:D]
Coming back to the movie well it would be much better if not to speak about the acting prowess of our much start studded cast....Jaya Bachchan was a pure waste of talent in a not-so-special-apperance as a meek sacrificng yet Rajputana mother....Priyanka Chopra, d surprise package was actually very convincing as AB baby's bodyguard ..better watch out for some seething angst ur way lady frm d junior Mrs.Bachchan! [:d] K K Menon as the meany jaadugar Riz Rayzada was soo irritating i mean why do dese ultra cool baddies have to act like patients of the chidlrem spastic ward!! Is it necesaary of their clan to pose that way!! God help us!!!
Sadly,all dat money going to waste made me cry in anger and frustration that poeple spend their hard earned money and in my case it is truee, to get entertained for three hours basically to get away from the tensions of daily life.. and what a disaapoitnment one gets after watching dis sad excuse for a movie.. I mean y d hell did he bothered to make ds movie with the real poeple... probbaly ananimated version would have been much better then we wouldn' t have to drone over the actors bad attempt at grandd acting!! At the end of d day...........saying dis movie sucks... would be understatement!! and i mean it.. plzz give me something more to tke my mind of my tensionsss.... Movies are my therapyyy dn't make it the cause of my needing a THERAPY!!
hmm ya it was quite bad film ... though i did like riz raizada role,it made the film watchable for me otherwise was tough to end the film :p
terko riz raizyada ka role pasand tha..gosh! shit man! he wassss soooo baddd yaarrr shhoo baaad and irritating
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