BeenThinking about this one since a long time back.. i mean at d time of dates i wasn't keen into keeping a journal.... too lazy [ and too busy was practically floating on AIR!!] and thought those details wud never fade away from mind..Bt eventually its human to forget those little little things that matters the most sure u remember them once in a while but not in a series like they took place.. happens.. So wht i thought was ki its never too late to record my impressions however botched up they maybe unless the time wipe them out significantly frm my memory.....
08-07-2008, Pizza Hut- JAB WE MET....Hovering over a pizza
I remember d day as arund 4:30 pm i stole a glance at the office wall clock and thougt still almost an hour to go before i would finally meet him.. Got a msg frm him too dat he too is counting the time till we met.. Sent me an exact calculation of minutes left......Dn't rem noww....So at around 5:30 i went to perk myself a bit..hehehe to be mre presentable at least . It turned out it took me mre than 10 minutes and by the time i came out it was already past 5:40..I quickly dashed across stairs meanwhile looking for him where he is standing[ can still feel dat excitement, dat rush, dat giddy feeling.... sigh!] He was standing on the wrng side of our supposedly decided location..As it turned out am nt good with giving OR receiving directions lolz
He called to ask where i was, i told him i am standing there only, he said me too and then we started walking towards each other not seeing each other being lost in the crowds of the evening people.....I wasn't wearing my specs ..Asked d color of his shirt[ a bad habit of mine, recognise people by the color of their clothes] It ws White and dere was a swarm of white shirts around me.. what LUCK!! I accidently followed a wrng guy bt realized soon it wasn;t HIM...
[ d conversation here is wht i think happened in absence of any other way to remember the true content..locked up in some part of my mind]
Then suddenly i reached near the poster wall of the movie hall and he said ok i spotted u. I asked where r u? I can't see u... He said look in front.Dere was a group of people in front of me which promptly moved aside and den i saw a guy, tall and lanky at frst glance clad in white shirt [dn;t rem trousers colors] with an army green backpack walking towards me with ear phones hanging from his hand attached to obviously a handset....and he was SMILING, a very genuine and nice smiles dat i have encounterd so fa , d one which makes u feel warm inside and see things in a postive light.. [never got a chance to tell HIM dis] We MET said hello shook hands.. smiled a lot at each other.. then thought where to go.. where to go.. We started moving in one direction i stopped HEY, we can't go this way, he trned in d other direction and i stopped him again.. NOT DIS WAY..by that time he was laughing at my stupidity or so i thought.. so we headed toward the PIZZA HUT..Bt i refused upon reaching its gates ki no i had been there on another date and it wud be like awkward soo let;s go somewerhe else... he agreed and we started moving towards BARISTA...Dere was water clogged up on the pavement frm d rain in the morning i had to step carefully coz was wearing heels..[btw.. i was wearing my famous fitted oval necked purple and black broad stripped top with a black halter underneath and narrow fitted denim jeans]...HE was on phone tlking to someone frm d office but out of the corner of eye i saw him watching out for me whether i accidentally make a splash in the algae filled street....it made me feel good and i smiled inwardly to myself only.. we headed towards BARISTA.. actually sat down at a table near the glass wall..[which later became OUR table on d other dates to come]
He was checking me out i cud see it while flipping through the menu.. i wasn't in the mood of coffee..i conveyed this bit of information to him.. TRING TRING call from mom i told him to be quiet... informed mom out with FRIEND techincally sach hi to hai naa lolz.. Anywayz then we came out and were thnkin whther to head towards MCD's or nt.. Dat i suddenly declared we will go to PIZZA HUT only.. so we trudged back thru the same path and landed up at the eating outlet again... took a table far away frm where i sat last time.. on my insistence of course..
Dere was a slight tussle over which pizza to order he being open to all kinds including the red dotted section.. bt it wasn't my forte.. so we struck to the veggie offers.. And den decided to try out something new in itt..Anywayz upon drinks of lemonade we soon began discussing wht we usually tlked over phne..taking the conversation further..working our way through pizaa and broken relationships never realizing that in the coming days our woes of being away from all this relationship and love murk would soon be forgotten.... Anywayz he took out digi cam, den showed me pics of his past.. which i hardly remember now .. and til dis date it is a just a vague imprint in my mind and i never went out of my way to give any particular image to that shadow.....
I asked him to move over to my side coz was having problem seeing the pics and not keeping in touch with his steady flow of description.....Eventually he asked to take a pic of ours together to seal d moment n time... He took it ] himself which turned out rather well... ACCORDING TO HIM... [ I thought ki i looked particularly ugly... like other members of my sex!] And then insisted on another one which i asked the waiter to take.. It was also a good one for mee.. Den out came my motorocker and clicked some quick pics of himm....for his orkut and facebook profile i said 'urs aren't good enough , use any of dese...' which he never did... A quick discussion follwed on whom shud pay on the frst date and all the garb.. and we both agreed to go DUTCH! i liked it..!:)
Upon a quick glance at his watch we saw it was well past 7.. 'how quickly the time flew by' a line used many a times before but never spoken with such conviction in our case.....i regretedly headed out alongwth him to the auto stand.....where upon we thnked each other for a wonderful evening.....Incidentally he held out his hand for me to shake at the same instant when i was about to sit in the auto... Dis thing i realized only after few minutes and thumped my head.. ki me being me HADD to do something stupid and DUMB.....
As my auto headed for the turn on the main road , my phone ringes it was HIM.. he called to thank for me a nice evening and he a head a great time.. I assured him it was similar from both ends....i too had a great time after a LONG TIME!...then with a promise to call each other upon reaching home we hung up...
And so ended my most beautiful special first date that i won't forget very soon am sure......thnks to HIM, i really had fun dat day....THANK UUUUU VWERY MUCH!!

P.S. due to the inconvenience of time and space it wud cause i wud be writing in installments regarding the remaining dates.. so keep checking coz u never know wen d next date mght ocme out! anywayz dis is personal stuff and u shudnlt be going thru it so excitedlyy.. GOT IT!!
were u jealous of the pic????????????????????????????????
its was one of the best dates i went on.... :)
it was one of my best dates too..:)
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