Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Phew! i am panting even reading the blog title..gosh! is it really happening? i mean ofcourse it is happening.. a very special moment in my life that has been a secret dsesire nesting in some corner of my heart for sometime now, has actually taken the shape of reality. It is good, no actually it is great! the best moment of my life till yet.. but one thing that i fail to understand is that why does all the other things have to happen along with it simultenously!!

I mean would it kill someone, if people can take a breather or God up there would take a break from writing all the various chapters of my life on a single page!!!! There are times when i feel sooo bored that wish something to happen, even anything. At that time every thing seizes to kikcstart not even the meagre ones.

But just one day, i mean that very day when i should be dancing with joy, i get the news of one of my oldest and dear friends being presnet in India [ who by the way is leaving on Friday so just got three days to meet him!!] There is offical problem of sorting through one of my very important work folder being evaporated in thin air!!, dealing with the new fond complexities of being a senior, a scuffle with mom, name calling session with sis, a huge fight with my supposedly Best Friend Kipsi over a silly issue[ my blog lolz]

And i haven't even started on Shilpo's cousin brother in law's sangeet ceremony dilemna[ have to search for a performance song for her. To make matters easy for me she has instructed to me find a song which noone has ever performed in her in law's family history.. quite a piece of cake right]

Oh and how can i forget the icing on the cake.. its Nits. He is about to leave the country in about two months time!! that too for UK!!! He is saying it will take place only when he will make up his mind. But still the idea of him going saat samundar paar is enough to start my over active imagination run wild. Guess God also doesn't want to deviate from his pattern of confusing and churning everything in my life to present an amalgam of things for me to sort out. That's how i have alwayz handled things and this is how i will deal with one of the most fortunate moments of my life.

This is classic Rinkel isshtyyle.. i am sure you might be full on aware about it by now! What?? You still don't know????? Obviously you cannot if you read the blog starting from the latest entry!! Go back to older pages for refrence or keep tracks of the future ones!!

P.S.I am sure God has lot more surprises up his sleeve :) Hope good ones from this time onwards! Amen.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Emotional ATYACHAAR!

Sorry for copying the title from the latest raving song at present. Cudn't find a more apt title than this.[ Actually, cudn't think of anything to title this post.. dis was d frst thng that came to my mind on account of watching it on tv over and over again...btw if going by such standards then i shud i hve titled the post Masakali Masakali.. seeing the entralling impact of the song on my conscience..but then it wud have been diffcult to write on a topic of which even i don't have any idea about ..lolz]

I love my sense of humor. Anywayz getting back to the whole idea of today's post. Well, that's just it. There is No Specific 'IDEA' behind it. This is just a random mumbo jumbo of my thoughts. I felt like writing but didn't know what to write or rather didn't WANTED to write about the stuff botheirng me. I mean, there are certain limitations even in one's private blog and that too whedn you are the only one who reads it! :D But there's alwayz an element of being exposed in front of everyone, giving you a feeling of being stripped down to the core.And i don't want that.

The real point is am again swindling in the pool of my randon thoughts turning horrendous yet passive at times. I am trying to find a solution to the problem at hand yet keeping aside the MAIN problem at the back of my mind for the time being. So who is right this time??.. Is it my heart or my mind?? My heart tells me to be impulsive again and believe in what i know and what i want to believe in. Becuase my heart says it is true. But there goes my mind at that thought and imprisons me inside all those pointy doubt carving arrows that don't allow me to move flexibly. They ask me to think, ponder, consider.. and slow down my pace before i go in for a crash landing!!

The decision is taken then.. i have a knack of getting mixed up into all kinds of accidents and create a havic wherever i go. So why shud it be different this time too, even though it is my life which is i am talking about. So here it goes.. HEART RULES all the way..... with mind lolling behind slowly to catch up!! err.... is it a decision???? Well for me these double mind thinking is the way of life!! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Poetic Justice!

Too much confusion in life
going helter skelter in life..
Seeing your dream crumble in front of your eyes.
What more pathetic than this plight,
is the hope of rebuilding the dream from ashes
Nothing can be much worse than this right!

A very poor ending to a highly emotion strung poem.. Yes as you can recognize it easily, this is my first ever brush with the poetic dimensions of creative writing ,remaining aloof or rather ignorant of this beautiful form of expressing yourself in lieu of the supposed phobia that i am 'POETICALLY CHALLENGED' never gave me any inclination nor the enouragement to foray into this stream. But today i just opened the New Post page.. took hold of my digital pen [ keyboard] and started writing away and words flew out.. a very poor attempt.. but who cares i am not looking for an A+ or a star on my sheet!!